lots of fun if you play enough to maintain trophies and constantly get new cards
lots of fun if you play enough to maintain trophies and constantly get new cards
First of all I hate how long it takes to unlock the chest for instance you on that chest you kind of not really but you kind of work hard for it and then like you have to wait three more hours after you do your hard work. Second of all the chest there should be a way you can delete chest so if you want all 12 hour instead of all three our chest you should be able to delete it and then like that just gets annoying because if you want to delete a chest you have to wait three hours its just annoying and I hate it its probably my least favorite feature about the game and PS Im sorry if theres any misspells are used Siri to write this review
Literally unless you spend every single waking second playing the game youll get no where its a big waste and the game is just bad. Only allowed to have 4 chest slot is stupid people are going to want to play more than just four games. And many people are not going to spend money on gems just to open chests. And getting actual good chests like giant or magical take forever to get. In my opinion the game is just bad and ya need to fix your game supercell because I not play anymore.
Its what the title says
This is the worst game Ive ever played... it is so bad. Please take this off the App Store or something because this game is literal ??
Bs game if only I can give it no stars if u play this just know every time u keep going up in levels ur going to vs a even higher level is stupid af
In no way is this game pay to win, you can easily watch a few tutorial videos on YouTube to help optimize your deck. Of course if you spend a few dollars you can play with a slight advantage when it comes to certain Cards. This is one of the best games out there for the mobile market.
i love this game
This is a very fun game me and my friends play and all love it this is also the only game I have on my phone because its the best game ever and all of yall need to get it and start playing
Ive been playing this game for almost a year and could never understand why sometimes it keeps matching you against people with decks that can PERFECTLY counter your deck... Im talking 10+ losses in a row... So you say: "use a different deck" but how are we supposed to do that if its dreadfully slow to level ONE card to a decent competitive level let alone a whole deck!!! And to top it off the other players laugh at you half the time... IDC how calm you are but if after a 10 game lose streak someone wins and laughs at you... U B MAD BRO! Not worth the aggravation, the time or the money... STAY AWAY!
Not only that this game is a spinoff of clash of clans but also you have to wait 3 hours for a crate to open or you have to pay to get gems. Another thing is that they give a very small amount of time and a lot of times its all about your luck with the cards you get.
My opinion is that you dont get this game.When I first got the game it was so fun! When I got to the higher arenas it was still fun. I got a lot of good cards and stuff but, after awhile I kept losing and losing and I got me so mans I almost broke my phone ?. People drop down from higher arenas to lower arenas and, they wreck every body and, it is no far. It is like a 70% that you will lose a lot. So this is my opinion thx for reading ?.
Screw this freaking game and its ripoff prices and and rigged setup how it uses you to get the most money out of you and the glitches its been having lately where things take 3 hours to be placed down and show up and how it freezes and restarts troops mid-game and all the crashes that almost makes me throw my flipping phone across the room after every single gay battle, if it werent so addicting I wouldnt play it again tomorrow
This is a really great game I play it alot but can you atleast make something that after you change your name you have to pay with gem to change it again or with coins but a bigger amount then the gems
Just downloaded and I cant stop playing
I get matched up with a level 11 are you f****** kidding me???? This game is so stupid and overrated. Ive wasted $25 on this stupid game and i regret it!!!!
This game is so addictive that when I lose I want to throw my iPhone across the room which makes me need to spend money for another one
Dont waste your time. This game would be fun if supercell didnt screw it up like they did coc. I do not recommend.
I broke my phone cause of it and it is just pointless
really good game and this experience with online multiplayer its unbelievable thanks guys