Clash Royale App Reviews

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This game is my all time favorite. I was hesitant at first about whether or not I should get it. I totally made the right choice by getting it. Its super fun and addicting and once you start playing, youll get hooked. Its a great game. :)

Story Mode!!!

This is a great game. Nice gameplay, free, and just the everyday dose of infuriation. Im one of those people that love a deep and meaningful storyline with plot twist upon plot twist, and double meanings over breathtaking conclusions! ...But any good storyline will do. Ill really appreciate it, and Im 1000% sure itll skyrocket the games ratings! -KnightFriedFries


I have been playing for a couple months but I absolutely love it, sometimes it can be a little rage inducing though


This game makes you rage so much. Its so annoying how you place something and the other guy places like 3

iphone 6

very nice game !!

By far the best iOS game ever made

This game is insane. It requires you to spend no money, is super skill based, and has an online matchmaking system! To the people critiquing the ranking system for going off of skill rather than level, youre not very intelligent. A game that is matched based off skill is way more balanced than one based off of level.

Its the best game but crashes a lot on me

It is a very great game. I like the graphics, the card, and the chests a lot but during battles the game crashes on a lot.Sometimes it crashed on me 3 times in a row.


This game is rigged.

Really needs work

TBH I love this game, but the fact that the match hung is terrible because of of levels and the health of your towers depending on your level. Next, some things really need to be nerfed. When youve won a match it puts you against someone that can easily counter your deck, I dont think a game should work that way, the way I see it is, it should put you against people close to ranking and a fair deck, then your skill and strategy will actually be needed in the game because the other person wont over power you. I really do think this game is great but this just needs a lot more work, it just kinds seems lazy of a game.

Really good

It is amazing awesome I have got two legendary cards those people who put bad reviews are crazy it is so much fun. It is easy to though arenas 1-5 it is fun to win.?


It has one of the worst match making systems ever !!

No Intelligent Design Here...

Just lost 3rd battle in a row to setups with level 3 Legend cards AND level 9 Rare cards. I have neither.

Why does this game exist

All this game does is take over you and is unfair it usually makes it harder for you with harder opponents so that you dont necessarily win (ex.i payed 5 dollars for a legendary chest when people get legendary chest for winning)like I said unfair

Honest review

Iv made it to a high point on the game to where i can review it. This game is honestly the most pay to win game iv ever played. People say play your first 3 matches and quick but its all BS becuase sometimes i end losing those 3 matches. Also they put me with people that are like 2 levels higher than me or worse. If you arnt paying to level up your cards like some people do to get good and have it easy on them its just unfair

Its Great!!


Im pro now

Thank you for create this game is fun and cool

Great game

This game is a very fun and addictive game, I hope this game can keep going


Its always crashing! And it gets more annoying when its on a crucial moment of the battle. If you are playing grand challenge, you lose your money. Extremely disrespectful to the consumer, so fix your game.

Game Imbalance Royale

Not sure how its actually being done but there is a lot of cheating going on. Lots of questionable wi-if disconnectivity moments and then suddenly the opponent is the winner. When I first downloaded and played CR I was excited. It started out as a fun game and immediately preferred this to CoC. In fact, after about 3 weeks of playing I still find it somewhat fun. However, the part I do not find fun is seeing the blatant imbalance in battles between troops of the same type. Watching my level 2 dragon being taken out quickly by a level 1 dragon when they were deployed within microseconds of each other is ridiculous. I cry when I see my level 7 knight being destroyed by an opponents level 5 knight. Methinks there is a problem in AI programming at the Supercell Game Dev Sweatshop. Its games like this that reminds me I should turn off the iPad and go play a real game. And the cards in chests never are the ones you need for your current battle stack. Deleted game after a year that I can never get back.


The thing about this game is you cant keep playing or the system will put you up against people who have counters for their cards. Buying wont help either. And supercell loves money. No matter the cards you have, youll always go on losing streaks. I prefer clash of clans where it is not based on luck.

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