favorite part of the game, please bring it back!
favorite part of the game, please bring it back!
Its a fun way to kill time.
I love the game but i HATE going against people that are tryhard money spenders!(you people know who you are)
Before I start with this review, Here is a little backstory that happened moments ago, So I clicked the "Battle" button and it said It was looking for a match, I waited for about 30 seconds and clicked "Cancel" but as I have known in the past it doesnt work, so i close the app and launch it immediately only to see Im in the middle of a match already and my left tower is gone and king tower has half health, Im think to myself "what is this!?" Im shocked by this point, why am I shocked you ask? Because I was in the 3700 range and really close to "Legendary Arena" but I guess $upercell said "Nope, no free to play allowed in Legendary Arena" So here is my list of complaints with this game: 1.Remove the cancel button, it doesnt work and I dont want players who make the mistake I did lose a match because your servers are bad and cant put players in a match. 2.Do something about Hog Rider, Elite Barbs, and Royal Giant, these are overused and matchmaking is so boring because these cards make up so many players decks, its stupid.
This game was made by the same people who made clash of clans which makes it a really good game!
I love this game, but I loved it SO much more with 2v2. Please please please bring it back permanently. PLEASE! I dont play anymore now that its gone. :(
2v2 should be a permanent thing, and unique challenges should be available more often.
Bring back 2v2 that is the only reason a lot of people play this game. Would be a five if had 2v2
This game is very addicting, but there are a few things wrong with it. One thing is, they shouldnt remove 2v2. I think that it was very fun and they have no reason to remove it. Another thing is the matchmaking. Im sick and tired of fighting people with cards that are 2-3 levels better than mine. Card balancing as well. Elite barbs are used to much in hog mountain. I personally think it was a mistake to add leages and make a new legendary arena. I think the old legendary arena (now hog mountain) was perfectly fine. Another thing is how long it takes to upgrade cards once you get them higher level. Anyone with maxed out level cards has spent at least 100 dollars on this game. I have spent more than that (120),and have won nearly 2000 battles, yet have level 10 commons, level 7 rares, and level 3-4 epics. My highest trophies is 3463 and my current is 3360. I fight people with level 12 commons, level 9 rares, and level 5-6 epics. One more thing, I dont think they need to add any more arenas. More arenas will make this game worse, not better. I got this game when is was just released in the US, and it was better than then it is now. Overall, reasonable game, but i have played better ones.
Please make 2v2 a permanent feature In the game. It makes the game twice as fun in my opinion. By far my favorite game on the phone. Its chess but way more fun!!
I started to play and really enjoyed it but then my game would never work.It always loads to 50 percent and then exits the game which makes it really frustrating! PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When u upgrade your troops or buildings they should look different like in clash of clans where if u upgrade the wizard enough his robe goes from blue to blackish purple... I think and same with cannon should go gold then black u get what Im saying
Ill be changing this to 5 stars.. this game is awesome, but as it grew more and more popular it became more commercial. Which is cool, every good game deserves its money. My friends play 2v2 all the time. SO many times a day, its our favorite thing. Its gone, then its there, then its gone, then there for a month, now gone again. I honestly dont think the game is the same without it and get on it less..
2 on 2 group game is very fun should be added as regular one also not tempered
...but enough is enough already with the barbarians
I just downloaded a few weeks ago so Ive been spoiled with the 2v2 since I had the game. If theres one thing I can say about it is BRING IT BACK!! I really enjoyed being able to battle without having to worry about trophies in the 2v2 battles and it just kind of added a more laid back game play where you could mess with the different cards try out different decks etc. It was also really cool being able to play the game with my close buddies while were hanging out. All in all the games really cool, havent spent any money on it really enjoy it. Just bring back the 2v2s!! Lol
My favorite thing was playing with my friends but now we cant. :(
This game is so fun!! But all I really want is more
Before I start I would just like to congratulate SUPERCELL on yet another truly addicting game. Now that thats said, Im going to lay out the pros, cons, suggestions to SUPERCELL, and tips for buyer. Pros: great graphics, smooth programming, no adds, and overall a very different and creative "card" game. Cons: buying a chest to gain more cards or gold to upgrade cards is very tempting and can get you caught up into dumping money into a free game, you have to be very active in the game and do research outside of game to learn what has bean rebalanced or changed so you dont get your butt wiped in a losing streak, and if you dont put money into this game(at least a good 50$), then dont expect to get to the "top". Suggestions to SUPERCELL: needs some serious rebalancing on some legendaries, needs a better more rewarding algorithm for winning chests, and lastly, keep working on the matchmaking so that if you beat a player that is a higher level than you, you are awarded with more trophies ect. Tips to buyer: do not download if you have anger problems, do not write review at midnight, and lastly, manage your time wisely and take a serious look at your time spent(you can do this by going to settings> battery> battery usage, and see where your time is spent) thats all for now.