Clash Royale App Reviews

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Great game ruined by cheaters

Awesome, addicting game... too bad its been completely ruined by loser hackers and cheaters! If youre not going to play fair then whats the point in playing, honestly! Get a life losers! Thanks so much for completely ruining a great game!

Worst game

It reset all of my progress!

Amazing Game

I love❤️ this game I rate 8:8???

Ok game

Great game, please add something to let people see how chests theyve opened

"Free Gems"

This is a great game but it can be challenging without legendaries. To get free gems, check out free my apps and enter the referral codes a5bec541. Have fun and clash on!

Great Game but...

This game is very fun. It takes strategy and skill - Unless you use the Elite Barbs... The Elite Barbs either need to be nerfed or more expensive because they pretty much ruin the fun. Everyone uses them, and if you dont have them in your deck, your SCREWED. Other than the Elite Barbs, the game is amazing! I mean they added those super-fun clan battles - Then they took them away five days later. Come on Supercell, cant you just leave it? Whenever the clan battles came out, thats what was keeping me in the game. Then you took it away so I am now debating if I should still waste my time. Same goes with the draft challenge. Other than this, I give it 3 stars.

Lost Account

One day I logged onto my account and out of no where all of my data on the game was deleted. It made me start completely over. It is a pretty good game besides loosing your game data. WARNING: You will get game rage.


This game is really fun and addictive plus, the fact that you can join a clan and get extra help from clan members is amazing! However, I do feel like it takes more time to earn coins than it should but it is a free game so micro transactions are acceptable.


Matchmaking is horrendous and the Elite Barbarians are too OP. Where is the nerf? There is not a card that counters the elite barbs. Skeleton hoard is destroyed by zap, Minion hoard is destroyed by arrows etc... Too many people run the elite barbs deck and the counters to the very minimal amount of counters to the elite barbs Also, why were clan battles only for a limited time? Clan battles exuberantly more fun than 1v1s

Pay to play

In order to win u need to pay

Great game

I love this game and hella recommend it its rlly fun and can get addicting

This games ruined

This game has an awesome concept but controlling people from getting to level 13 and just losing until they get to a point where they can dominate all the low levels. Game needs to be fixed before I get wrapped up again....control your &@$&...geez

Messages after winning match

Love the game. Think there needs to be an updated message added for you to suggest to the other player they join your clan. If they come over to clan based on that message some kind of award chest should be given to the clan mate plus the person that moved clans. Just a suggestion. Clash On!

Great game

Good for all ages over 9 anyways. My son loves it and he is really good at the game too.

This game is fun but it has issues

I like this game, but a few issues hold it back from me to recommend this game. First off, nerf things that are overpowered (cough cough elite barbs) and buff things that dont get used very often. Second, ban all the hackers, I have a friend whos account got hacked and he cant do anything about it and I have faced some people who do put down multiple things that dont add up to 10 elixir. Finally, cut the time to open chests in half. I play the game for 10 minutes and then I have to wait for 4+ hours just to play again. Please fix these issues.

Dont play more than 1 round.

No matter how easy some YouTubers make it, sometimes it is a challenge. People who pay to win are usually the people who laugh if they beat you. If you win 1 round in later arenas the game gives you a player with no life. Its fun, but dont expect to not have a little rage (legendarys are meant to be hard to get)


This is actually a fun game VERYY but, cmon putting high level on low level people is unfair. oh by the way....BRING BATTLE CLAN BACKKKKK AND LEAVE IT THERE!!!! Now its boring ?


My cousin recommended this game and I love it!!! Then I showed my dad the game and ever since then he had been playing it 24/7!!!!


This game is so frustrating I just lost on a lag 3 times in a row THIS GAME WOULD BE 5 STARS IF THERE WOULDNT BE AS MANY LAGS

This game stink

I hate it

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