I want tO get legendary card more and I want up arena please
I want tO get legendary card more and I want up arena please
People should not be able to farm for crowns. Its not fair for arena 4 players to go against players who have arena 6 or 7 cards. If people decide to go down, they should only be able to use the cards that are from their current arena or lower, not higher. Also these new cards are just stupid. Why dont you guys just go back to the old cards?
RIGGED GAME YOU HAVE TO LOSE 10 MATCHES IN A ROW SO THAT MATCHMAKER WILL MATCH YOU FAIRLY AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO WIN. im seriously at 10 losses per each win. aside from every other player being a cheater this game has major issues with balancing. some cards are too overpowered and need removal or nerfing. for example look at the whirlwind car. it summons a vortex that traps anything in its radius. but thats not all it does! it also damaged all troops caught in the center of it! hold on now, WHY do you have one card that does 2 totally seperate abilities! whats the point of using other cards for damage when this one does damage and restrain! two in one! unfair unbalanced cards like whirlwind make this game really lame, boring, and unfair. all of the area damage cards are unfair and should be removed. they allow ppl to snipe your towers without using any troops and there is no way of blocking such attacks. area damage cards are unfair because nothing has a chance of survival inside the area of damage. and ppl combo area damage cards with their troops so trying to kill the enemy will kill all your troops, it seriously destroys competition and fun. its not a strategy its called cheating. howcome the area dmg only effects enemy troops and not friendly ones as well? that in itself is broken mechanics.
not that bad tbh. kinda hooked
The game is flawless. It is entertaining and you dont need to pay anything to play. There are no ads either. Two new ideas that would be great: 1. Doubles: maybe on the widescreen, you could make 2 vs 2. This would be especially entertaining with friends. 2. Clan wars: like in coc Update: I just realized you made both my recommendations true! ?????? Update: the doubles feature is great. It is as if you created a whole new game. I would recommend to make doubles among friends possible.
Just redownloaded game after uninstalling shortly after launch. Some nice changes have made this more fun than I remember and additional players have made for more opponents and fairer matches. If you are okay spending $5-$10 bucks every arena you will get a huge boost to gold, gems and cards. Having a blast!
It a very good game but targeting is very confusing
I personally think that this is a great game and I play it 24/7. It can teach kids how to use different things to make a bigger thing like a win. Also when battling you have to wait so it teaches them how to be patient. The gems are kind over priced in my opinion but overall its a great game!
The clan wars are so fun
I like so much the clan battle chest ??
I just wanted to say how great of a game this game really is it is so much fun I think you guys should make something like clash of clans did with the clan battle thing like make the whole clan able to battle a whole other clan I just think it would be a lot cooler in my opinion thx for taking your time out of your day to read this.
Just remove elite barbs from the game they are no fun to play with or against. Impossible to stop especially when hey carry a zap of log. Just remove them they piss off everybody
my game keeps crashing from the new update. every time it hits 48%. please help this is so annoying
The new 2v2 clan battle is the most fun Ive had on my phone in a long time. This game just keeps getting better
Ok 1. Im at legendary arena and Im not getting a single legendary in my chest and shop 2. You always put us against other people who counter you so badly Overall, I want legendarys! My username is JawbreakerX
I love your game gust I would like to get some more legendarys is this possible
Ever since the last update the game keeps crashing. Please fix.
This game is really good keep up the good work!?
Bro you haters stop hating its hands down the best game on earth, if not on mars. Screw yall haters on hating. Dont like it then dont play. Easy and simple.
Game works fine on all modern devices and some of these people are just incredibly bad at the game ??