Im sorry for all of those who think this game is amazing and all of it is skill, well Im sorry but that simply isnt true. In order to progress in this game you need to spend money, and not just for the cards, but in order to get on the good side of the ranked system.
The ranked game is rigged for a simple reason. When youve won a certain amount of games, clash royale decides to start matching you with every counter to your deck. If you try changing up your deck, well too bad theres going to be another counter. For example, you have a great deck that has sparky in it. You win a few games, and then yup, you either get placed against people way above your level or against things like the electro wizard, every single game. So then you decide to change to a pekka centered deck. Well too bad because now you only go against decks with inferno tower, where before you never saw the card. These examples are all from experience btw, and there are plenty more.
I know there are a lot of people in this game who try to defend it, but thats because they just dont want to admit that its true, because theyre probably invested too much into the game and dont want to admit anything against it.
Whomever reads this, just have this in mind and you will see what Im talking about.