Serious Issue, matchmaking is broken
I keep getting matched with people who like to "spam" and I try to counter these with witches and dragons but these "spammers" overwhelm me in the end, the matchmaking is pretty unfair cause I keep getting matched with some who is 10x stronger than me, I lose 400 trophies daily due to this.
Otherwise this is a good game, but it can be horribly aggravating and frustrating.
Some recommendations would be:
1. The Dragon troop from CoC (its really cool looking and we got mini-pekka and pekka, so why not also baby dragon and dragon?)
2.Limit how many troop spawning buildings can be placed in the arena
3.lower chest times by atleast 1 hour (idk the chest system doesnt bother me)
Thats all really, Spammers have to be dealt with please, I really dont want to spend money on this game.
Tyrant4545 about
Clash Royale