Alright, i think you know what im going to say, that the game is a cash grab and cards are op and so on. This is true to an extent because almost everybody I know that has the game has spent 5 to 15 dollars on it. I spent 10 dollars on it and was extremely dissapointed... I am now im Jungle arena and have aquired 4 legendares and bought 2. But out of my six legendaries 2 of them are lavahounds, and 3 of them are miners. I cannot describe the dissapointmemt i felt after receiving these cards. 71 crown tower damage at level 2???! No thank you. I finally got sparky and started winning battles, but still i feel cheated and jipped especially because my brothers friend has almost all of the legendaries out of chests he won from battle. I still enjoy this game but could you please make it easier for people like me to advance in the game
Ry.b about Clash Royale, v1.8.1