Really good game!!!
Overall good game just a few problems the chests, the trolls, the trophies, and the spammers, and a few meta decks/ cards
The chest are okay just a little bit to long example silver chest ( the most common and worthless in my opinion ) is 3 hours and the chances of you even getting anything but a common is low and getting good chests takes a long time and between 12hrs- and 1 day and usually you need a lot of gems to keep a least 1 slot open while playing a lot
The trolls should be punished in some way its not funny its not cool it mean and unfair. By this I mean not the people who abuse emotes ( u can just mute them ) I mean the trolls who beat up arena 1/2/3 players they make an unfair fight and make them drop trophies.
The trophies problem is after a while you gain like 25 but lose 32 and after a while it adds up to 70-100-300-... ( etc )
One last problem ( and I think people who play a lot would agree) THE HUTS they are lazy require almost no skill and bug/discourage almost everyone who encounters it and the people who use it get away with it too. This is supposed to be a game where skill and strategy are key and u actually try not just put down a building and wait. This type of stuff makes people stop playing or make it no fun ( expect for the people or should I say trolls that use them ) and makes them delete the game ( which mean u could potentially lose money ) and maybe even ruin a clan.
Side note, I get some people use just one gob hut or a tombstone but a lot spam and it is very unfair especially on arena battles/ public / random battles since you cant see your opponents deck and you cant be prepared for a spam deck because there and many possibilities so a anti-spam deck might be easily beaten by a pekka doubble prince deck or a hog deck.
There are also some combos that are a little too good like when you clone a giant skeleton and its bomb drops
EPshark about
Clash Royale, v1.8.1