Needs a few things added to it
First off, its a good game. Great game to pass time when youre stuck somewhere for a long time like a car ride or there is a long line at a store or something. One thing Id like to add is it would be cool if there was a rewind button in the replays. Itd be really helpful for when you want to show somebody a cool play and if they didnt see it, you have to replay the whole thing and if you pass it, you have to do it again. So, that would be awesome if a replay button was added. Also, much like we got more deck slots, if we could get more chest slots. 4 slots isnt enough. Maybe 6 at the least. Ive been playing this game for I think a year now and Ive never won a Super Magical Chest from a battle ever. Only Magical Chests. Ive won a legendary chest I think one time and I get giant chests often. It would be cool if we could get a higher chance of winning better chests. Also, we need more ways to earn gems than just chests and achievements. I dont know if you get gems for donating cards, I forgot. I know this probably wont change but Ill put it out there anyway. Maybe if the legendary chests wouldnt cost as much from the shop, Id be easier to get a legendary. 350 gems or less would be good. Also, when there is a new card coming out, in this case, the Cannon Cart, which has not came out yet, there is a tournament and you get a chance to get the new card at 9 wins but only get like 5 cards and then again at 12 wins and you get more. I lost 3 times and I wanted to play again and I knew itd cost gems but I didnt know it would cost 100 gems thats a lot. I dont like that it costs 100 gems. Thats too much. Maybe 25 gems to get back in. I do like that you get 1 free chance at it. Sometimes the first 3 games dont go well for you and you lose your one chance. It isnt worth 100 gems to play that and lose 3 times and thats it. 100 gems gone. Unless you pay and buy gems, you cant get very far in this game. I got to Arena 7 before I started buying gems to buy cards. Youll get somewhat far but to get more cards, you gotta pay and thats not cool. Unless you invest a lot of time into the game and youre very good, you can get further. But these are the things I thought could change. I like this game a lot and its a good game. Thanks for reading this and I hope these things do change soon.
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Clash Royale, v1.9.2