Supports Loyal Payers Not Loyal Players
I had addressed many concerns to the Help and Support team of Clash Royale in regards to the unfair matching-making processes, and card imbalances, but the concerns fall onto deaf ears. The matchmaking (as I was told) is based on the trophy level of a player and not based on player tower level or card levels. Try to imagine the frustration, when you are matched with a player with the exact same deck and cards as yours, but their deck, cards and tower level is 1-2 level above yours. This is a fair matchup under the developers eyes, and matchups like this can, and do happen. Now this problem is compounded when players purchase rare or legendary cards. Some of these exclusive cards have a slight advantage to the average/common card which will frustrate the average player who rarely invest in the game with money, giving an advantage to the high payers of the game. Based on experience, attempts to balance highly rare cards from updates are not that succesful (or given much effort) because, understandably, those cards are highly profitable (because it gives players an advantage, whoever is willing to pay lots of money) and any attempts to weaken or balance the rarest cards are not 100% successful or effective. The game will always cater or satisfy the payers of the game who want to pay to win, by adding more exclusive cards and in turn upsetting the balance of other cards in the game. This game was a good game at the beginning but these unrelentless new card additions are making the game worse as it worsens the balance/chemistry of the existing cards in the game.
User51467 about
Clash Royale, v1.9.2