I atcually did the math and researched it if you play 5 matches a day and win 3 of them and get 1 silver chest 1 gold chest and 1 magical chest every day it will take you nearly 4 years to max out all your cards not counting new levels and new cards . Seems that this game is very pay to play once you hit hog montain its nearly impossible to win a match I miss the 2v2 where you could play and not worry about losing Anything but in a ladder match if you lose a battle you get 0 rewards and you lose trophies so instead of a relaxing game where you alway win something you actual and equal risk of losing. And I would like some kinda reward for losing cause thats 4 minutes of my time that I dont get any rewards and draws are the worst cause no one wins anything in a draw I would like to get a reward for drawing with someone. The game has just gotten fusterating and not the relaxing game it should be.
fun at play about Clash Royale, v1.9.2