To anyone concerned you need to spend $ to have fun and advance- Ive got 3800 wins, more than 2500 three-crowns, have played for over a year and only spent $10 on the game to date. Due to an excellent leveling system, winning can be achieved with any level of card or spend. I now have almost every legendary card in the game and still choose to use several leveled up common cards in my main deck. The deck balance is more important than having a certain card, and theres truly no overpowered game changing card. This makes the game endlessly fun! Supercell has done a nice job continuing to update the game, keeping it fresh with new features like 2v2.
The one feature Id really like to see is ability for clan leaders to reward clan members for positive activities like donations, clan chest participation, and posting videos to showcase winning strategies. Would look like fixed amount of coins/gems for leader to distribute to team, refreshed weekly.
That_1Ryan about Clash Royale, v1.9.2