Whats the fun if I get matched agents level 11s when I am level 9 it gets me soooooo mad and I dont have fun when that happens
Whats the fun if I get matched agents level 11s when I am level 9 it gets me soooooo mad and I dont have fun when that happens
They still havent updated the knight image, even though the new image has been out for over a year.
I cant count how many battles I have done by accident, and try to press the cancel button and it does not work
This game is so rigged, not matter what level u get your always fighting ppl a rank or 2 higher, Im sick of it they gotta fix the matchmaking I rarely fight my ranks
I like this game and the it is incredibly addictive but many many people on it use money and are able to win using no skill at all which makes the game not fun at all for players who actually try to play but cant pay! Also some cards just are too overpowered.
Dear Clash Royale: Me and all the people I know have a problem about your matchmaking, every time we play we lose because you make us play with higher levels which also means higher level cards. Do you know how stressfull this is, I just got to arena 9 and I played a match with a level 10 I lost, then I played 5 more games and all of them were level 10 with lvl 8-9 rares, 4-6 epics, 1-3 legendaries and 10-11 commons. Plz fix this Thank you
...until you introduced the Night Witch. Now everyones using her
Like the title says. Great fun. Jolly good chap. Super D duper. Yippee skippy.
People always use the laugh emoji if you lose and if you are sensitive dont play
Nerf the wizards. All of them. They are broken.
Stopped playing for a bit because i disnt like waiting for the chests to open but started playing again cause I remembered how fun it is. And this company males some kick ace games!!!????
Its a really fun game, but now that Im at my peak of trophies (3,000) I feel like every ladder battle I play in is way to stressful. This has lead to me to essentially stop playing, other than opening free chests, playing friendlies, and donating to my clan.
Not a bad game but 2v2 was probably the best feature they could add
Tern the valkry swing to 8 blocks around her she can kill a hole skeleton army I one blow. :(
Too many rewards for those who pay offerings to the Supercell Gods. Too easy to get "rare" cards Too easy to enjoy the game for a simple aspect and then have that ripped away. Too frequently changing.
Best game ever. Recommend to everyone
Game is a fun addition to clash of clans. As you can assume a lot of waiting around for thing but still entertaining.
Love the game, but I wish there was a way to report people because some people on here are rood. Think about it supercell.
I have two accounts (Supercell) and (Mikeyswags) and I have pulled numerous legendaries so I just wanted to thank Supercell!